ADR Packaging Labels All Classes 100 x 100mm

Self-adhesive IMDG and ADR 2015 Hazard warning diamond placard label for packages containing dangerous goods of Class 2.1 - Flammable Gas

ADR requirement - Each label shall be located on the same surface of the package adjacent to the shipping name and the minimum label dimension shall be 100mm x 100mm.

Our Hazard Warning Diamond labels and Placards comply with IATA, IMDG, ADR and RID international legislation and are manufactured from very high quality materials that give each label a high resolution print quality so images are very crisp and clear, making them easy to read.

Our labels comply with BS:5609 standards, a British Standard to ensure that labels will remain legible and attached to a container after 3 months immersion in sea water. This ensures that they meet the IMDG code or International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, which is an accepted internationally recognised guideline for the safe transportation of hazardous materials or dangerous goods by water.

All our self-adhesive labels meet the requirements of the transport regulations for air, sea and road.

  • £16.99

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